We got Targeted, Segmented, Verified & Valid data

We provide exclusive email marketing services for REAL ESTATE industry ONLY

What is Prop Sender?

Prop Sender is a dedicated email marketing solution provider for REAL ESTATE industry. If you are looking to advertise your property or off plan information to right target potential market, then Prop Sender will assist you in that

What are the prices & packages available?

We have 4 packages and our prices are very straight.

  • Basic Package of 25,000 emails for USD 69 / AED 250 / INR 5000 / EURO 62
  • Standard Package of 50,000 emails for USD 125 / AED 450 / INR 9000 / EURO 112
  • Premier Package of 100,000 emails for USD 180 / AED 650/ INR 13000 / EURO 162
  • Dynamic Package of 250,000 emails for USD 260/ AED 950 / INR 19000 / EURO 237


Does Prop Sender only focus on REAL ESTATE industry?

Yes, Prop Sender is dedicated to real estate & property industry only. We have got the experience in property buyer’s data market

What kind of data does Pop Sender have?

We update our data on a regular basis and accumulate from trusted parties. Our data is focused only on real estate segment. Existing property owners, new property prospects who are looking to buy new properties, elite investors, high net income employees & NRI (non regional Indians)

Which countries does Prop Sender focus on?

We got the authentic and verified data from these countries


Is the database verified and valid?

We clean our data and update it on weekly basis. We care about our email delivery ratio. We have a delivery rate of 98%, this shows how clean & verified our data is

How do we start with Prop Sender?

Submit the form by making sure of all fields filled and with no spelling mistakes. You will receive a email confirmation asking you to choose the packages and proceed with the secure online payment , we confirm the payment, test the email to your id’s and upon your confirmation we schedule the email campaign to the target segment you have selected

Can I customize my email campaign information?

Yes, you can customize your from name, from email, subject line & date of campaign

What types of formats do you support?

We support plain text, image and HTML formats. You can upload a doc file or image or html file while submitting the form

How much must be the file size for image flyer?

Recommend size of the image is less than 100kb. But if you have heavy files, don’t worry, we will reduce the file size before the campaign sent

Do I get all the replies from the campaigns executed?

Yes, all replies & communication of clients will happen directly to your email itself

Yes, its recommended to provide a URL / LINK to a landing page if you are sending a IMAGE flyer campaign

Can I select multiple countries or languages or database for one campaign?

Yes, you can select multiple countries or languages or data targets at the same time for a single campaign

Can I get a test before the email campaign is been scheduled?

We sent a test email to your test email ids’s before we schedule the camping. Please make sure to check your spellings while typing your test email ids in the form

Can I get delivery reports of the email campaign?

Once the campaign is scheduled, you will get a delivery report in 48 hours. The delivery reports contains the open ratio, click ratio, unsubscribe ratio, bounce ratio & etc

Do we have any issue of blacklisting of IP’s or server’s?

No, you don’t need to worry on that, as we use our clean SMTP servers and IP’s to schedule your campaigns.

What is the preferred method of sending email?

The best preferred mode of email is HTML flyer. We highly recommend this for better delivery and better results

What are the main factors we must consider in our email camping?
  • Avoid SPAM words in your email body content
  • Recommend option for email campaign is HTML flyer
  • Don’t use many images in your HTML flyer, try to have more text and less images
  • Mention your company address, social profiles in the footers
  • Try to have call to action buttons like links to your website, whats app or subscribe buttons
  • Avoid spam words in your subject line
  • Keep a valid from email id & from name
What is the minimum time you need before starting the email campaign?

Kindly make sure to allocate at least 24 to 48 hours of time for us before the main campaign date

How long will it take for an email campaign to finish?

We use multiple SMTP’s and IP rotation for better delivery, so a email campaign for 100k emails can finish in maximum 1 to 2 hours

Do you guarantee any results or sales from the email campaign?

This is a common question and we know that everyone is looking for sales. Prop Sender is a mode of advertising channel between your message and the client, we act as a medium to deliver your message to the right target market.  We give guarantee on our quality service but not on the sales point

What are the modes of payment?

We accept secure online payments via MASSTER CARD & VISA CARDS (debit or credit)

Can i advertise my local property to buyers outside my country, I mean international buyers?

Yes, you can promote your property for international investors. Especially if you are a company or property based in DUBAI or INDIA and you can really get a good results if you focus on international market ( as most of the investors are from foreign countries )

How many times do you send an email campaign when I pay?

You can run one campaign for one project only.  We only sent 1 time email to the selected package. If you want to have another campaign, you have to submit the form to the new project again and finish the payment process

Can I do multiple email campaigns at the same time?

Yes, you can have multiple campaigns for multiple projects at the same time. All you have to do is to submit different form for different projects and select your package and finish the payment process

Did not find what you are looking for ?

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further additional questions. We are happy to assist you in providing all the necessary and valued information